Field No. Field name Group No. Research theme Group leader Type of publication First author Other authors Year Title Journal Vol Page Peer review Language
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Karasawa, M.  2013   「正義」への心理学的アプローチの可能性―法と正義の心理学的基盤・コメント2 (企画関連ミニシンポジウム� 「法と正義の心理学的基盤」) the sociology of law 78 175-185. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Asai, N. 2013 物語の構築しやすさが刑事事件に関する判断に与える影響  Japanese Journal of Social Psychology 28 137-146. peer reviewed Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Matsumura, Y. 2013  「法学の視点から―法と正義の心理学的基盤・コメント1―」(企画関連ミニシンポジウム� 「法と正義の心理学的基盤」) the sociology of law 78 166-174. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Ota, S.  Kinoshita, M., Yamada, H., & Matsumura, Y. 2012  Japanese Attitudes Toward the Lay Judge System and Criminal Justice:Based on the Second Survey Conducted in 2011,  Chiba Journal of Law and Politics  27(1) 178-282. peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Zemba, Y.  Young, M. J.  2012  Assigning credit to organizational leaders: How Japanese and Americans differ.  Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 43 899-914. peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Singh, R.,  Simons, J. J. P., Self, W. T., Tetlock, P. E., Zemba, Y., Yamaguchi, S., Osborn, C. Y., Fisher J. D., May, J., & Kaur, S.  2012 Association, Culture, and Collective Imprisonment: Tests of a Two-Route Causal-Moral Model.  Basic and Applied Social Psychology 34 269-277. peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Okuda, T. 2013  災害廃棄物の倫理学への試論―〈負〉の財としての廃棄物から復興・減災を考える―  哲学と現代 28 78-97. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Matsumura, Y. Kinoshita, M., Ohta, S., & Yamada, Y. 2011 「裁判員制度と刑事司法に対する人々の意識---2011年第2波調査に基づいて」.  The Hokkaido law review. 62(4) 1110-1025. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Zemba, Y.  Ishii, S. 2011 「消費者保護と企業 ―パロマ工業事故判決に対する理工系学生の反応―」. 学習院大学経済学論集 48(2) 129-141. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Zemba, Y.  2011 「組織の責任 -日本人の判断の特徴ー」.  Journal of humanities and social sciences (Waseda Unv.) 51 147-161. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Goto, N. Karasawa, M.  2011 Identification with a wrongful subgroup and the feeling of collective guilt.  Asian Journal of Social Psychology,  14 225-235. peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Suga, S.  Karasawa, M. 2011 コミュニケーション場面における社会的文脈の知覚が情報伝達に与える影響  人間環境学研究 9(1)  21-26. peer reviewed Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Hatta, T. Hatta, T., Todayama, K., & Karasawa, M. 2011 神経科学の誤信念の修正は講義を通じて可能か?  人間環境学研究,  9(1) 41-46. peer reviewed Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa journal paper Matsumura, Y. Kinoshita, M., Ohta, S., & Yamada, Y. 2011 「裁判員制度と刑事司法に対する人々の意識---2011年第2波調査に基づいて」 『北大法学論集』 62(4) 1110-1025 . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa book or book chapter Karasawa, M.  Muramoto, Y. 2011 (2011)『展望 現代の社会心理学3 社会と個人のダイナミクス』 誠信書房 . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa book or book chapter Matsumura, Y. 2013  「人々は『鑑定』をどのように見ているか―裁判員制度と刑事司法に対する意識調査に基づいて」   白取祐司編 『刑事裁判における心理学・心理鑑定の可能性』,  日本評論社 27-58. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa book or book chapter Okuda, T. 2012  倫理学という構え―応用倫理学原論 . ナカニシヤ出版 . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa book or book chapter Matsumura, Y. 2012  「人々は法律用語をいかに概念化するか―『権利』、『Hak』、『Right』」   長谷川晃編 『法のクレオール序説 ―法融合の秩序学―』 北海道大学出版会 51-71. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa book or book chapter Karasawa, M.  2011 Categorization-based versus person-based explanations of behaviors: Implications from the Dual-Process Model.  In . R. M. Kramer, G. J. Leonardelli, & R. W. Livingston (Eds.), Social cognition, social identity, and intergroup relations: A Festschrift in honor of Marilynn B. Brewer . New York: Psychology Press. New York: Psychology Press. 9-26. peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2013  「企業の社会的責任」はいかにして認知・評価されるのか  Japanese Association of Industrial / Organizational Psychology. Tokyo Fuji University, March 30. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S.,   Suzuki, A., & Karasawa, M.  2013  A dehumanization influence on the morality judgment of an environmental issue.   The 14th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology New Orleans, LA, USA, January 17. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Murakami, S. Konishi, T., Doi, S., Itaya, S., Tanaka, R., & Yamada, K. 2012 記述的規範の向社会的行動への効果:時系列的検討  The 53th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology. International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba, November 18. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Okuda, T. 2012 Ethics of Humanitarian Assistance and International Politics The Jaoan Association of International Relations Annual Convention 2012  Nagoya Congress Center, October 21. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2012  「ワークショップ 道徳判断研究の最前線」(話題提供).  The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October 20-21. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Kan, S. & Karasawa, M 2012 「カテゴリーの認知を用いた量刑判断要因の推測―裁判員裁判の第三者評価における心理的本質論の役割―」(ポスター発表).  The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October 20-21. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Oji, A. Ishida, M., Karasawa, M. 2012  命令的規範と記述的規範の乖離状況における行動促進アプローチ   The 53th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology. International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba, Movember 17. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Karasawa, M. 2012  被告の非人間性が更生可能性の評価に与える影響   The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, September 13. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2012  Punishment of an immoral character as a just desert: A case of Japanese lay judgments.  Paper presented at the 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research Tel Aviv, Israel, September 9-12. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Goto, N.  Karasawa, M.  2012  Belief in a Just world for self and others as a determinant of collective guilt assignment toward an outgroup.  The 14th Biennial Conference of the International Society for Justice Research  Tel Aviv, Israel, September 9-12. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Murakami, S. Oka, Y., Kurioka, H., & Sato, H. 2012 住宅用火災警報器の設置状況の時系列的検討   2013 Japan Association for Fire Science and Engineering annual symposium. Utsunomiya Tobu Hotel Grande, May 22. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Matsumura, Y. 2012  法学の視点から―法と正義の心理学的基盤・コメント1 (企画関連ミニシンポジウム� 「法と正義の心理学的基盤」) The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Kyoto Women's University, May 12. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2012 「正義」への心理学的アプローチの可能性―法と正義の心理学的基盤・コメント2 (企画関連ミニシンポジウム� 「法と正義の心理学的基盤」) The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Kyoto Women's University, May 12. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Goto, N.  Karasawa, M.  2012  They said they are different from historical perpetrators and feel guilt. Now, what should we do? Effect of similarity expression on intergroup forgiveness.  Society for Personality and Social Psychology Pre-Conference: Group Processes and Intergroup Relations San Diego, CA, January 26-28. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Goto, N.  Karasawa, M.  2012  Effect of similarity/dissimilarity expression and guilt expression from a historical perpetrator group on guilt assignment by a victim group.  The 13th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology,  San Diego, CA, January 26-28. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Karasawa, M.  2012 Are dehumanized defendants more guilty than "human-like" defendants?: Implications of dehumanization on the jury system.  The 13th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology San Diego, CA,  January 26-28. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Karasawa, M. 2011 「非人間的」な被告は重罪かー被告の性格的特徴が懲罰判断に与える影響.  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology  Nagoya University, October 1-2. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Goto, N.  Karasawa, M. 2011 加害集団内の類似性と罪悪感表明が被害集団からの評価に与える影響.  The 52th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology. Nagoya University , September 18-19. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Suga, S., & Karasawa, M. 2011 性別に関する本質論的認知が量刑の妥当性判断に与える影響.  The 75th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Nihon University, September 15-17. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2011 When people use groups a s a basis for explanations: Salience, entitativity, and essence of groups.  Colloquium at the School of Psychology University of Queensland, Australia, September 2. . . English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2011  Social groups as a basis for explanations: How ordinary perceivers make sense of other people’s behavior.  The 9th Biennial Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology Kunming, China, August 29. . invited talk English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Goto, N.  Karasawa, M.  2011  Effect of perpetrator group's guilt expression and intragroup similarity on guilt assignment from victim group.  The 12th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology San Antonio, Texas, January 27-29. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Suga, S., & Karasawa, M.  2011 The influence of psychological essentialism on inferences about gender category: the case for 'citizen-judges'.  The 12th Annual Meeting of Society for Personality and Social Psychology San Antonio, Texas, January 27-29. . peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Suh, Y.  Karasawa, M.  2011 Effects of Stereotypes and Information Transmission on Person evaluation: A study the Shifting Standards Phenomenon,  The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology,  KunMing, China, July 28-31.  peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Tsukamoto, S. Enright, E., & Karasawa, M.  2011 Essentialist way of understanding ethnic categories: Interventional attempts to reduce out-group negativity in relation to nationalism,  The 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology,  KunMing, China, July 28-31. peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Lee, T. Fiske, S. T., & Karasawa, M.  2012 Immigrant stereotypes: Impact of societal diversity on target images and lay theories about outgroup perception.  Symposium presentation at the 13th Annual Meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology.  San Diego, CA, U.S.A., January 27.  peer reviewed English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2011 「個人の認知と『社会』」  The 52th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Social Psychology. Nagoya University, September 18.  invited talk Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa presentation Karasawa, M.  2011 「討論:心理学から見た他動詞文研究の意義」  日本語文法学会第11回大会 パネルセッション「自動詞・他動詞の対象研究の新地平―理論的研究と実証的研究の融合をめざして―」 指定討論 Shujitsu University, November 7. peer reviewed Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium . 2012 唐沢カラサワハン 第5回 研究会ケンキュウカイ . Nagoya University, May 27. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium . 2012 唐沢カラサワハン 第6回 研究会ケンキュウカイ . Waseda University, August 29. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium . 2012 唐沢カラサワハン 第7回 研究会ケンキュウカイ . Nara University, December 22. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium . 2011 唐沢カラサワハン 第1回 研究会ケンキュウカイ . Nagoya University, October 2. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium . 2011 唐沢カラサワハン 第2回 研究会ケンキュウカイ . Nagoya University, November 1. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium . 2011 唐沢カラサワハン 第3回 研究会ケンキュウカイ .  Nagoya University, December 16. . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-001  Concept of responsibility Karasawa report at colloquium .   2011 唐沢カラサワハン 第4回 研究会ケンキュウカイ . Nagoya University, December 17. .   Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai presentation Kinoshita, M.  2013  The Japanese Lay Judge System Underlying in the Concept of Democracy.  3rd Conference of East Asian Law & Society,  KoGuan Law School, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, 22 March, 2013.  . English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai presentation Kubo, H. 2013 「コミュニケーションと機能:紛争処理研究の新展開に向けて」  比較都市史研究会第420回例会 Waseda University, February 2.  . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai presentation Kubo, H. 2013  「中範囲の理論に至る新たな道:法学と社会学の間で」 科学研究費助成事業「司法のジェンダー公平性の確信のための裁判官に対する制度的支援の比較研究」研究会,  Kyoto Women's University, February 18.  . invited talk Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai presentation Kubo, H. 2012   コメント ミニシンポジウム「取調べの可視化と捜査の在り方」 The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Kyoto Women's University, May 12. . . Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai presentation Kubo, H. 2012 「棚瀬孝雄の法社会学理論:ポストモダンと再帰性」 ミニシンポジウム「日本の法社会学理論:一般理論に向けての可能性」  The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Kyoto Women's University, May 13.  . peer reviewed Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai presentation Kawai, M. 2011  「日本における強盗防犯の成功の原因」 the 16th world congress. International Society for Criminology. Osaka, August 5-9. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011  「ネット犯罪の現状と課題」  Crime and delinquency 168 32~50 Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011  「法学教育の見直しとエリートの役割変化」 『學士會会報』  888 26-30. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai journal paper Kawai, M. 2011 「司法取引と日本社会・文化との相性」 Journal of criminal law 50 (3)  381-390. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011 「取り調べの可視化 映像の副作用を危惧」 6面コラム「各自核論」  Hokkaido Shinbun Press. 2011年7月23日夕刊 Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011 「行き詰まる高齢受刑者処遇 出所後の支援体制強化を」 6面コラム「各自核論」  Hokkaido Shinbun Press. 2011年3月5日夕刊 Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011  「危ない暴力団排除条例 対象はヤクザではなく一般人」 Shyukan Kinyoubi 871 56-57. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011 「死刑制度を残しつつ執行しないのが理想だ」 WEBRONZA (Asahi Shinbun Press) 12/29/11 Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011  「裁判結審はオウム事件の最終解決か?」  WEBRONZA (Asahi Shinbun Press) 11/25/11 Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M. 2011  「予想外の第三者委員会の結論に慌てた九電」 WEBRONZA (Asahi Shinbun Press) 10/25/11 Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-002 Punishment and control of crimes Kawai Article Kawai, M.   2011  「バランス感覚と新しい秩序」  WEBRONZA (Asahi Shinbun Press) 9/27/11     Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama journal paper Kuboyama, R.   2011 The "New" possibility of "law related education" and a person who bears responsibility Sociology of law 75 157-186.   Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama journal paper Kuboyama, R. Fujimoto, A 2011 Sociology of law in the world: Law and society studies in Korea Sociology of law 75 207-213. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama journal paper Arakawa, A. Kuboyama, R., & Arai, R. 2011 「刑事事件についての発言能力を創出する-「裁判員裁判ゲーム小学校高学年版」の開発とその可能性」 Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming. 21 125-130. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2011 “Conflicts and Conflict Resolutions of the Field of Sex-Business: Can the Law control It and Should It? ” East Asian Law and Society Conference 2011 Seoul, Yonsei University English
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2011 「紛争解決はゲーミングによって、いかに効果的に伝えられるか」 Japan Association of Simulation And Gaming. Hokkaido University peer reviewed Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2011 「法は遊べるか ― ゲーミング法教育の思想」 The 75th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Nihon University, September 15-17. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2011 「「さまざまな」法律職、棲み分け(協働)から競争(統合)へ」 The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Tokyo University,May 7-8. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2011 「法教育に、何ができるのか」 The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Tokyo University,May 7-8. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2011 「韓国における継続教育の現況と可能性」 The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Tokyo University,May 7-8. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2012 ゲーミング法教育ホウキョウイク思想シソウ行動コウドウ-コアコンテンツの開発カイハツ方法ホウホウとしてのメディア- The annual conference of the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Kyoto University, May 12. Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. 2012 ホウゲーム』の世界セカイ-ホウアソべるか?:法教育ホウキョウイク法社会学ホウシャカイガク観点カンテンから the Japanese Association of Sociology of Law Aoyama Gakuin University, June  30. invited talk Japanese
A01 Basis of criminal system and legal education A01-003 Law education Kuboyama presentation Kuboyama, R. Ido, M. 2012 役割ヤクワリ体験タイケン学習ガクシュウロンによる韓国カンコク「ソロモンローパーク」の考察コウサツ -体験型タイケンガタ法教育ホウキョウイク施設シセツ意義イギ- The Japan Society for Law and Education Tokyo University, September 2.     Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi expert opinion Wakinaka, H. 2013 アスペルガー障害等を有する被告人の犯行経緯および更生に関する発達心理学的鑑定意見書   大阪高等裁判所提出 . 1-22. . Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi journal paper Wakinaka, H. 2013  ある性的被害者の供述分析(2)   人権教育研究 21 1-41. . Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi journal paper Wakinaka, H. 2013  知的障害者の取調べに関する法心理学的検討  The Journal of human Rights Education and Research. 59 1-22. . Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi journal paper Wakinaka, H. Yamada, S., Okura,T, Uemiya, A, & Muramoto, K.  2012 Three approaches to victim statements : "True" support of victims Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology 12 72-77. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi journal paper Takagi, K. Hara, A., Ohashi, Y., Watanabe, Y., & Tokunaga, M. 2012 Psychological approach to a case study as legal accidental investigation (2) The influence of scientific evidences on oversight of false confession in the Ashikaga case Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology 12 45-49. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi journal paper Mori, N.  2011 Where are we going beyond the archive metaphor?   Culture & Psychology 17(1) 11-19.  peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi presentation Naohisa Mori   2012 The third accountability shows signs of ‘being experiencers’: A contribution to forensic psychology. The 30th International Congress of Psychology Cape Town, South Africa, July 25, 2012.  . peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi presentation Mori, N.  2011 A socio-ecological theory of remembering: The (re) introduction of the particularity and the historicity to socio-cultural remembering.   Presentation at the Poster Session of the 3rd ISCAR Congress.  San Diego: CA, USA. peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-001 Suspect interviews Takagi presentation Mori, N.    2011 体験の質は想起の形式に現れる-二例目の分析-  The 75th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Nihon University,     Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima journal paper Yamada, R. Itsukushim, Y. in press The schema provokes a discrepancy of false recollection between actions and objects in an everyday scene.   Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.  peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima journal paper Yamada, R. Itsukushim, Y. in press The effects of schema on recognition emories and sunjective experience for action and object. Japanese Psychological Research.  peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima journal paper Omori, K. Itsukushima, Y.,・Igarashi, Y., & Wake, H.  2012 How is a hand perceived? ; The judgment by tactile information on the buttocks  The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers technical report. Vol.112,  27-31. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Igarashi, Y. Omori, K., Wake, H., Itsukushima, Y 2013 How is a hand perceived? ; The judgment by tactile information on the buttocks The Institute ofElectronics, Information and Communication Engineers. Okinawa Industry Support Center, March 13. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Omori, K. Igarashi, Y., & Wake, H. & Itsukushima, Y,  2012 “触られる”ことは心地よいのか?(1)-性差と人間関係における親密度からの検討-  The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, September 12. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Omori, K. Igarashi, Y., & Wake, H. & Itsukushima, Y,  2012 “触られる”ことは心地よいのか?(2)-身体各部位の意味づけからの検討- The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, September 12. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Omori, K. Igarashi, Y., & Wake, H. & Itsukushima, Y,  2012 臀部における触覚判断の正確性: 気配と左右手の検討   The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Psychonomic Society. Kyushu University, November 3, 2012. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Omori, K. Igarashi, Y., & Wake, H. & Itsukushima, Y,  2012  痴漢犯人はどこにいる? -立ち位置と左右手の観点から   The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October 20. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Kawasaki,Y. Itsukushima, Y,, Yama, H. 2012 実際の記憶と虚記憶とに自己選択効果と遅延時間とが与える影響  The 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. Okayama University, June  1. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Kawasaki,Y. Itsukushima, Y,, Yama,H. 2012  実際の記憶と虚記憶における自己選択効果:再認テストを用いた検討2   The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University,, September 1. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Itsukushim, Y. 2012  帝銀事件における同調実験の位置づけ ワークショップ「供述分析と心理学実験のコラボレーション―帝銀事件における心理学鑑定を素材に  The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October 20.  peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Hatano, A. Kitagami, S., & Kawaguti, J. 2012 顔の全体的特徴または部分的特徴の評定が再認成績に与える影響.  The 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. Okayama University, June 2. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Hatano, A. Kitagami, S., & Kawaguchi, J.  2012 Verbalizing featural information before recognition task causes processing shift of face recognition.  43rd NIPS International Symposium National Institute for Physiological Sciences, November, 1. English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Hatano, A. Kitagami, S., & Kawaguchi, J. 2012 Does judgment of featural or holistic face information cause verbal overshadowing?   Psychonomic Society 53rd Annual Meeting Hilton Minneaplis Hotel, November, 16.  peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Satoshi, H. Masahiro, O.  2012 Confirming Feedback Effect for Confidence Judgment on the Delayed Photograph Lineup Identification.   International Congress of Psychology 2012 Cape Town, July  25, 2012.   peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Satoshi, H. 2012 帝銀事件における同調実験の位置づけ ワークショップ「供述分析と心理学実験のコラボレーション―帝銀事件における心理学鑑定を素材に   The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October 20, 2012. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Tanaka, M.  Itsukushima, Y. 2011 Deception about an eye-witnessed memory leads to memory distortion:The study about mechanisms of memory undermining effect. International Conference on Memory 5th (ICOM5) York University, UK, August 1, 2011. English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Kawasaki, Y. Itsukushima, Y. & Yama, H. 2011 Self-choice effect on false memory production: Do different memory tests produce different results?  International Conference on Memory 5th (ICOM5) York University, UK, August 1, 2011. peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Watamura, E. Wakebe, T., & Itsukushima, Y  2011 The automatic activation of retributive motive in determination of punishment.  SARMAC XI  New York John Jay College of Criminal Justice, June 8, 2011.  peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Kawasaki, Y. Itsukushima, Y,, Yama, Y. & Yama, H. 2011 実際の記憶と虚記憶における自己選択効果  The 9th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. Gakushuin University, Tokyo, May 28-29. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Omori, K. Igarashi, Y., & Wak, H. & Itsukushima, Y, 2011 身体背面部における触判断の正確性:動きの要因の検討  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Psychonomic Society. Keio University, December 3-4, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Omori, K. Igarashi, Y., & Wake, H. & Itsukushima, Y, 2011 身体背面部における触判断の正確性  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Nagoya University , October 1-2, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima presentation Igarashi, Y. Omori, K., Wake, H., Itsukushima, Y 2011 大学生のおける痴漢被害状況と痴漢事件に対する意識調査  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Nagoya University , October 1-2, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima book or book chapter Ota, N. Itsukushima, Y. 2011 現代の認知心理学2 記憶と日常 日本認知心理学会監修  Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima report at colloquium 2012 ミュンスターバーグのon the witness standの翻訳について.  University of Sacred Heart, Tokyo, November 9, 2012. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima report at colloquium 2012 帝銀事件における目撃証言の検証.   Nihon University, November 24, 2012.  Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima report at colloquium 傷害致死事件における目撃の傍聴およびその評価.   金沢あおぞら法律事務所, 2013/1/19.  Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-002 Eyewitness Itsukushima report at colloquium       連続強姦未遂事件における目撃証言の検討.     Nihon University, February 22, 2013.     Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato journal paper Sato, T. 2011 The possibilities for "forensic clinical psychology" in Japan: an alternative orientation for collaboration of law and psychology Japanse journal of law and psychology 11 26-37. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato journal paper Shirai, M. Sato, T., & Kitamura, H. 2011 Demonize or patientize?: reasons in favor of the death penalty or life confinement Japanse journal of law and psychology 11 40-46.  peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato journal paper Wakabayashi, K. Sato, T. 2012 One-sided conformity effect between witnesses with different judgment of the same event Ritsumeikan journal of human sciences 24 21-33. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato journal paper Hatano, T. Saito, S., Yamada, S., Nameta, A., Kido, A., Wakabayashi, K., Yamazaki, Y., Kamimura, A., Inaba, M. & Sato, T. 2012 Visualizing and analyzing the process on policy making: using KTH cube for describing the process of gaming simulation Ritsumeikan journal of human sciences 24 21-33. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato journal paper Sato, T. Wakabayashi, K. 2011 取調べ可視化論の心理学的検討 法律時報 83(2) 2-11, Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato journal paper Wakabayashi, K. Sato, T. 2012 Historical connection between memory and testimony psychology by an experimental study of Seiichi Terada in Japan The Japanese journal of psychology 83(3) 174-181. peer reviewed Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Nameda, A., Wakabayashi, K., Hatano, T., Saito, S., Inaba, M., & Sato, T. 2011 Towards social application and sustainability of digital archives: The case study of 3D visualization of large-scale documents of the great Hanshin-Awaji earthquake.  Proceedings of 3rd International Conference of Digital Archives adn Digital Humanities   Taipei, Taiwan, December 1-2, 2011 17-25. peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation YAMADA, S. Sato, T. 2011 The Visualization of the Statement Analysis in a single defendant case and a multiple defendants case The 5th Japan - Korea Student Symposium, Ewha Womans University, September 28, 2011. English
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Kido, A. Wakabayashi, K., Hatano, T., Saito, S., Nameda, A., Inaba, M., & Sato, T. 2011 Visualizing and Analyzing Cultural Voices in Computer-Mediated Communication through Social Gaming Simulation 2nd International Conference on Cultural and Computing (Cultural and Computing 2011).  Oct. 20-22, 2011, Kyoto, Japan.  peer reviewed English
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Uemura, A. Sato, T. 2011 Text mining of weblog articles on a criminal case. The 16th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology,  Kobe International Conference Center, August 6, 2011. The book of abstracts, 327. English
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Sato, T. 2011 三次元TEMの可能性, The 75th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Nihon University, September 16, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Ishizaki, C. Yamazaki, Y., Sato, T., Ibusuki, M., & Fuchino, T.  2011 裁判員は公判で得られた情報をどのように捉えるか? ― 評議における発話の分析による検討―,  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Nagoya University, October 1-2, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Sato, T. 2011 “情報的正義”と心理学-刑事司法過程における公正な判断,  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Nagoya University, October 1-2, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Yamasaki, Y. Ishizaki, C., Sato, T., Ibusuki, M., & Fuchino, T. 2011  事件報道が裁判員の法的判断に及ぼす影響,  The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Nagoya University, October 1-2, 2011. Japanese
A02 Investigation processes A02-003 Suspect statement (3-D modelling) Sato presentation Uemura, A. Sato, T.   2011年3月11日以降の原発に関するブログ記事のテキストマイニング  Jaoanese Association of Qualitative Psychology. プログラム抄録集, p.101     Japanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh journal paper Fuchino, T. 2012  裁判員裁判における社会記録の取調べと適正手続.   斉藤豊治先生古稀祝賀論文集『刑事法理論の探究と発見』 成文堂 545-570. . Jpanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh journal paper Fuchino, T. 2013  裁判員制度と予断排除原則の本質―裁判員制度見直しに向けて.  立命館法学 345・346号下巻 671-696. . Japanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh journal paper Itoh, Y. 2012 Two modes of processing in visual memory, category learning, and judicial judgment.  Logic and Sensibility  pp.121-134.  English
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh journal paper Hine, K. Nouchi, R. and Itoh, Y.  2011  Influence of Subjective Difficulty on the Degree of Configural and Featural Processing in Face Recognition. ,  Japanese Psychological Research,  53 246-257. peer reviewed English
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh journal paper Matsuo, K. Cho, Y-H., & Itoh, Y. 2011 Effects of frustration and temporal distance on altruistic behavior.  Studies in sociology, psychology, and education (Keio Univ.) 71 65-80. peer reviewed English
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Miura, T. Itoh, Y. 2011 事前の思い込みがラインナップ手続きと単独面通し手続きに及ぼす影響の比較, The 9th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology.
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Watamura, E., Wakebe, T., Itoh, Y.,& Itsukushima, Y.  2011  The automatic activation of retributive motive in determination of punishment.  The 9th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. peer reviewed
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Matsuo, K. Itoh, Y. 2011 Comparing college student and adult mock jurors in decisionand emotion.  The 9th Biennial Meeting of the Society for Applied Research in Memory and Cognition. peer reviewed
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Matsuo, K. Itoh, Y. 2011  How do instructions and Need for Cognition influence mock lay judges’ decision?  The 12th European Congress of Psychology. peer reviewed
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Itoh, Y.,  Nakamura, S., and Miura, H. 2011 Release from retrieval interference by emotional stress.  The 5th International Conference on Memory. peer reviewed
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Itoh, Y.  2011 Individual differences in guiltiness decision and sentencing.  16th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology. 
A03 Lay-judge court A03-001 Lay-judges' decision making Itoh presentation Matsuo, K. Itoh, Y. 2011 事実認定の原則説明方法と認知欲求レベルが裁判員の判断に及ぼす影響, The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology        
A03 Lay-judge court A03-002 Recorded interviews Ibusuki journal paper Ibusuki, M. (2013). 証拠開示をめぐる日米の落差 : 最高検メモ廃棄通知と米国司法省指針を比較して  法律時報 85 (4) 85-95. Japanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-002 Recorded interviews Ibusuki journal paper Ibusuki, M. 2012 Revamping of Interrogation Techniques of Police and Prosecutors Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology 12 23-26.  peer reviewed Japanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-002 Recorded interviews Ibusuki journal paper Wakabayashi, K. Ibusuki, M.,  Komatsu, K., et. al. 2012 Video-recorded confessions : Influence of Japan's original video-recording system of interrogation on lay judges' decision Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology 12 89-97. Japanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-002 Recorded interviews Ibusuki report at colloquium 2013 法と心理合同研究会  Kagoshima University, March 23, 2013. Japanese
A03 Lay-judge court A03-002 Recorded interviews Ibusuki report at colloquium     2012 第12回被疑者取調べ録画研究会     京都弁護士会館, 2012/12/7, 17:00−19:00.      Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka book or book chapter Shiratori, Y. 2012 刑事訴訟法(第7版) 日本評論社 Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka book or book chapter Shiratori, Y. 2012 刑事訴訟法の理論と実務 日本評論社 Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka book or book chapter Shiratori, Y. 2013 刑事司法における心理学・心理鑑定の可能性 日本評論社 Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka book or book chapter Naka, M. 日本心理学会(編) 根ヶ山光一  2012 発達科学ハンドブック4. 発達の基盤:身体,認知,情動. 新曜社. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka book or book chapter Naka, M. 2012 心理学鑑定に必要な4つの要件 白取祐司(編) 刑事裁判における心理学 心理鑑定の可能性.  日本評論社.   Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shiratori, Y. 2012 「刑事訴訟法における価値選択の諸相――20世紀型対立図式と21世紀型対立図式」 法学セミナー 687 34-38. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shirosita, Y. 2012 「迷惑防止条例違反の事案について、長期の未決勾留に先立つ捜査機関の手続に違反があったことも考慮して、懲役4月の求刑に対して被告人を罰金50万円に処した事例」 速報判例解説(新・判例解説Watch) Vol.11 139-142. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shirosita, Y. 2013 「犯罪被害者と量刑―量刑の本質論・実体刑法の視点から」 Journal of criminal law 52 (3) 66-78. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shirosita, Y. 2013 「確定判決前後の犯行にそれぞれ懲役24年と懲役26年の刑を言い渡し、両者を併科した事例」 速報判例解説(新・判例解説Watch) Vol.12. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. 2012 Effect of interview techniques on children's eyewitness reports and subsequent memories of a viewed event The Japanese journal of psychology 83 303-313. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. 2012 法と心理学会大会企画シンポジウム:エビデンスにもとづく取調べの科学化.   Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology 12 (1) 10-11. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. 2012 Improve investigative interviewing skills using scientific evidence : Development of forensic interviews and implications from the PEACE model Japanese Journal of Law and Psychology 12 (1)  27-32. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Takemura, A. Naka, M.  2012 The Diversity of the Concept of Secondary Control : A Review and Analysis The Japanese journal of educational psychology
60 211-226. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Takemura, A. Naka, M.  in press 身体や健康の衰退に調和するための高齢者の対処:二次的コントロール理論を基に.   The Japanese journal of developmental psychology Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Maki, Y. Janssen, S., Uemiya, A., & Naka, M.  in press The phenomenology and temporal distributions of autobiographical memories elicited with emotional and neutral cue words. Memory. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. 2011 Eyewitness testimony 日本児童研究会(編).児童心理学の進歩2011年版 50 78−100. peer reviewed
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. Okada, Y., Fujita, M., & Yamasaki, Y.  2011  Citizen’s psychological knowledge, legal knowledge, and attitudes toward participation in the new Japanese legal system, Saiban-in seido.  Psychology, Crime & Law, 17 621-641. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Takigawa, S. Naka, M.   2011 The efect of nostalgic feeling on remembering autobiographical memories: An analysis of reaction times Japanese Journal of cognitive psychology 9 (1) 65-73. peer reviewed
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. 2011 事実確認と子どものケア:感情を交えずに話を聞く事. Mother and child wellbeing around the world : Current overseas information 71 41-45.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Sato, K., Fujimoto, M., Koyama, K., Futakuchi, N., Hatanaka, S., & Naka, M.  2011 児童相談所における司法面接(事実確認面接)の在り方と課題等について.  北海道児童相談所研究紀要 30  1-45.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shirosita, Y. 2011 「裁判員裁判における量刑の動向と課題」 Crime and delinquency 170 60-85.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shirosita, Y. 2011 「医療観察法における対象行為の主観的要件について」 町野朔ほか(編)『刑法・刑事政策と社会福祉 岩井宜子先生古稀祝賀論文集』(尚学社) 99-117.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shirosita, Y. 2012 「生体移植」 シリーズ生命倫理学編集委員会(編)『シリーズ生命倫理学 第3巻 脳死・移植医療』(丸善出版) 136-155. peer reviewed
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shiratori, Y. 2011 「『推認』有罪の説得力を問う」 『世界』 824 57-61.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shiratori, Y. 2011 「日本の裁判員裁判の現状と課題」 『法学研究』(韓国・釜山大学紀要) 52 (4) 99-115. peer reviewed
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shiratori, Y. 2011 「刑事司法における心理鑑定の可能性」 村井敏邦先生古稀記念論文集『人権の刑事法学』(日本評論社、2011年) 577-595.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Shiratori, Y. 2012 「フランス刑事証拠法と事実認定」 『三井誠先生古稀祝賀論文集』(有斐閣、2012年) 775-795.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. in press Law and Psychology.  The Annual report of educational psychology in Japan English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Shiratori, Y. 2012 「裁判員裁判は刑事司法をどう変えるのか?――コメント」 Japanese Association of Sociological Criminology. Hitotsubashi University, October 28. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Shiratori, Y. 2012 「一事不再理原則の今日的課題」 釜山大学法学研究所学術大会タイカイ Pusan National University, Korea, December 10. invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Shirosita, Y. 2012 「犯罪被害者と量刑―量刑の本質論・実体刑法の視点から」 Criminal Law Society of Japan. Osaka University, May 19. invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Shirosita, Y. 2012 「裁判員裁判における量刑判断」 釜山大学法学研究所学術大会タイカイ Pusan National University, Korea, December 10. invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. Okada, Y., Fujita, M.  2012 Prospective lawyers’ first intake (interview) with a suspect: Topics, question types, and dis-communications.  International conference on Psychology and Law Sanfan, Puerto Rico, March 14-17. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 なつかしくならない記憶と司法面接.   日本心理学会公開シンポジウム なつかしさの心理学 ─思い出と感情─ Nagoya University, March 11, Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 Development and assessment of a training program for investigative interviewing.  International Psychological Congress 2012 (ICP2012) Cape Town, the Republic of South Africa, July 22-27. invited talk English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 質問タイプと映像の撮り方が子どもの証言の評価に及ぼす影響.   The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, Kawasaki, Sptember 11-13. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. Okada, Y., & Fujita, M. 2012 2012 Prospective lawyers’ first intake (interview) with a suspect: Topics, question types, and dis-communications.  American Pychology and Law Society San Juan, Puerto Rico, March 14-17. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 認知心理学・発達心理学を活かした司法面接-その開発と訓練-.  認知心理学会10周年記念特別シンポジウム “サービス”に対するアカデミズムの役割 The 10th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Cognitive Psychology. Okayama University, June 2-3.  invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 尋問スタイルが量刑判断・尋問評価に及ぼす影響.   The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, Kodaira, October 20-21. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 北大司法面接研修の取組と多機関連携.  一場順子(企画) 「司法面接と被害確認面接:日本における実施状況とこれからの課題」,  Japanese Society for Prevention
of Child Abuse and Neglect.
University of Kochi, Kochi, December 7-8 . invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012 子どもからいかに 話を聴くか -司法面接法の開発と訓練-. 第3回筑波大学人間系コロキアム University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, October 31. invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012  「司法面接の実践と問題」.  社会のための心理学シリーズ「犯罪と被害防止に貢献する心理学」  日本心理学会公開シンポジウム  Tokyo University, Tokyo, November 17.  invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2012   「司法面接の実践と問題」.  社会のための心理学シリーズ「犯罪と被害防止に貢献する心理学」  日本心理学会公開シンポジウム 京都教育文化センター, 京都, 6月9日. invited talk Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Naka, M. 2011 The effect of forensic interview training based on the NICHD structured protocol 子どもの虐待とネグレクト 13 316-325.  peer reviewed Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka journal paper Oyama, T. Naka, M.  2012 幼児によるポジティブ,ネガティブな出来事の語り:親が出来事を選定した場合と子どもが出来事を選定した場合 The Japanese journal of developmental psychology peer reviewed Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Sasaki, S. Naka, M.  2012 “だいたい”と“正確に”という質問に対する児童の報告 The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University , September. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Sasaki, S. Naka, M.  2013 児童ジドウ報告ホウコクにおける詳細ショウサイさのコントロール -”だいたい”と”正確セイカクに”という質問シツモンをめいじしたトキ報告ホウコク The 24th Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology. Meiji Gakuin University, March. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Nabata, Y Naka, M.; Otani, H. 2012 The influence of cultural differences in thinking styles on juror’s credibility ratings of eyewitness testimony the 2013 American Psychology-Law Society Conference Portland, Oregon, March 7-9. peer reviewed English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Nabata, Y Naka, M.  2012 目撃証人の属性が裁判員による証言の信用性判断にオヨぼす影響エイキョウ The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Nabata, Y Naka, M.  2012 目撃証人の属性が裁判員による証言の信用性判断に及ぼす影響 -裁判員の情報処理過程及び情報処理スタイルとの関連で- The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University , September. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Sugino, Y. Naka, M.  2012 話者の個人性情報の記憶に対して、語の有意味性が及ぼす影響 The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, September. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Sugino, Y. Naka, M.  2012 声による話者再認-発話される語の有意味性の影響- 北海道ホッカイドウ心理シンリ学会ガッカイダイ59カイ大会タイカイ Hokkaido University of Education, Hakodate, September. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Uemiya, A. Naka, M., & Yamazaki, Y. 2012 子どもの証言能力の評価に宣誓の有無が及ぼす影響について The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, September. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Inoue, A. Naka, M.  2012 同一面接者と異なる面接者による面接の繰り返しの比較 The 76th Annual Convention of Japanese Psychological Association. Senshu University, September. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Inoue, A. Naka, M.  2012 面接を繰り返し行った場合に1度目に司法面接を行うことが報告内容に与える影響 The 13th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Musashino Art University, October. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Inoue, A. Naka, M.  2013 司法面接の繰り返しの効果 The 24th Annual Meeting for the Japan Society of Developmental Psychology. Meiji Gakuin University, March. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 司法面接の展開とPEACEモデル.(企画:仲真紀子・唐沢穣)エビデンスにもとづく取調べの科学化. The 12th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Law and Psychology Nagoya University, October 2, 2011.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 NICHDプロトコルにもどつく司法面接研修.教育プログラム. Japanese Society for Prevention
of Child Abuse and Neglect.
International Congress Center Epochal Tsukuba,. December 3, 2011.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M.  2011 Child eyewitness testimonies in Japan: Research and cases.  17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association Dunedin, New Zealand, 4-6. July, 2011. invited talk English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 Children’s description of feelings of others and of their own  in negative and positive situations.Symposium: Children’s Performance and Experiences in Legal Contexts (Fiona Jack). 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Human Development Association Dunedin, New Zealand, 4-6. July, 2011. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M.  2011   Promoting the use of forensic interviews in Japan: Working together with Child Guidance Cente. International Society for Criminology Kobe Convention Center, August 5-9, 2011. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 Training social workers on child investigative interviewing in Japan: What changes?
In Naka, M., & Jo,E. Rountdable: Development of child Investigative Interviewing in Japan and Korea.
International Society for Criminology 2011.8.5-9. Kobe Convention Center, August 5-9, 2011. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 シンポジウム:司法における犯罪者・被害者等に対する面接の現状と課題(渡邉和美企画)指定討論. 国際犯罪学会 第16回世界大会  Kobe Convention Center, August 5-9, 2011.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Inoue, A. Naka, M.  2011 The effect of repeating  investigative interviewing. International Society for Criminology 2011.8.5-9. Kobe Convention Center, August 5-9, 2011. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 子どもから事実を聞き出す司法面接. 日本学術会議・心の先端研究と心理学専門教育分科会主催.公開シンポジウム「心の先端研究への扉」 Kumamoto University, July 30, 2011.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Naka, M. 2011 なつかしくならない記憶と司法面接. 日本心理学会公開シンポジウム  なつかしさの心理学 ─思い出と感情─ . TheConsortium of  Universities in Kyoto, October 22, 2011.
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Shirosita, Y.  2011 “Recent Trends and Issues in Japanese Sentencing System”,  International Society for Criminology 2011.8.5-9. Kobe Convention Center, August 5-9, 2011. English
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-001 Forensic interviews Naka presentation Shirosita, Y.    2011 「裁判員裁判における量刑」 Journal of criminal law Hosei University,  May, 2011.      
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-002 Rehabilitation of delinquent Ishizuka journal paper Ishizuka, S. 2013 刑事司法情報と法教育――裁判員時代の法教育のゆくえ――〔共同研究の趣旨〕 Journal of criminal law 52 (1) 1-15. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-002 Rehabilitation of delinquent Ishizuka book or book chapter Ishizuka, S. 2013 薬物政策への新たなる挑戦――日本版ドラッグ・コートを越えて 日本評論社 Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-002 Rehabilitation of delinquent Ishizuka journal paper Ishizuka, S. Horikawa, K., & Fuse, Y. 2012 Hanging is a Cruel and Unusual Punishment : Every Lay Judge Has To Know Real Execution in Japan Ryukoku law review. 45 (1) 155-242. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-002 Rehabilitation of delinquent Ishizuka journal paper Ishizuka, S. 2012 Responsibility as A Minister of Justice : Should He Order to Execute A Death Row Inmate? Ryukoku law review. 45 (2) 377-394. Japanese
A04 Criminal procedures and social works A04-002 Rehabilitation of delinquent Ishizuka journal paper Ishizuka, S.   2012 書評・本田宏治著『ドラッグと刑罰なき統制――不可視化する犯罪の社会学』 犯罪社会学研究 37 157-160.   Japanese